INTUcoin : EASY SMART and SECURE Digital cash with Online web and Mobile Wallets anywhere anytime any device.

A Futuristic Source of payments for Market, Performance Networks, Advertisers, Affiliates, Online Shops and for everyone.

INTU : An Effective Crypto Digital Currency

INTUCoin is the social currency that enriches people’s social lives and makes digital currency easy for the general public. intuCoin achieves this by integrating a digital currency platform seamlessly with all major social networks to make the process of sending and receiving money and rewarding for everyone.

Why You Should Choose INTU ?

Digital Cash For Highly-Confidential Transactions


INTU is decentralized. The entire system is operated by a peer-to-peer network. Sending and receiving addresses are encrypted. Transfer funds without showing identity information of each user, it's not visible on the blockchain.


Using the power of a distributed peer-to-peer node network. Every transaction on the network is cryptographically secured. Wallet files are encrypted with a passphrase to ensure they are useless if stolen.


INTU is able to ensure that transactions are not only untraceable, but have an optional measure of ambiguity that ensures that transactions cannot easily be tied back to an individual user or computer.


INTU is truly fungible, thanks to built-in privacy features. Just like cash, all INTU are equal, changeable. It is extremely unlikely that coin will ever be blacklisted by any party due to its association in previous transactions.


An Automated learning Algorithm that allows the remaining pools to find blocks, even when they have a much smaller hash rate.


Our Primary Goal with INTU is to keep the core block chain lean and Blazing fast. Through the use of our custom built smartBridge functionality we are able to offload non-essential functions to hundreds of side-nodes.

Don't worry , We've got your preferred platform covered.

Download your wallet here.

INTU welcomes all CPU / GPU / Web / Mobile miners on official INTU Pools

Trade INTU on the Popular exchanges.

Roadmap : Development Path and Expansion

Development roadmap are suggested by Owner and developers . Implementation timelines are not fixed and subjected to actual development resources.


Current version: v1.3.0.00

INTUcoin - A Futuristic Source of Digital Cash INTUcoin cryptocurrency is for ad networks affiliates advertisers publisher b2b b2c online stores Have full control on your INTUcoin wallet EASY SMART and SECURE anywhere anytime anydevice. all parties can profit and save costs at the same time using INTUcoin be used in busines and social
INTUcoin is a product of , which is a SAAS provider for online Advertising agnecies (Ad Networks) Tracking Performance marketing Platform . In layman terms we provide software and infrastructure to cpa/cpm/cpc ad networks . already has several clients and is continuously growing at rapid rate. We recently started the development of for two achieving two goals :

  • To publish AD converversion data in the blockchain . in simpler words - data of which customer from which Geo-device is buying which online product banners , push advertisements and other media (this includes a lot more indepth data)
  • To make a crypto payment gateway for the online advertising industry


Name: INTUcoin

Ticker: INTU

Address Prefix : "intu"

Algorithm of PoW: CryptoNight Lite variant 1 (Aeon / CN-Lite v7)

Coins supply: 1 billion for 18 years followed by an infinite emission

Block reward: 1500 smoothly changing.

Block time : 120 seconds

Difficulty: Retargets at every block (exclusive benefit for GPU/CPU miner)

Asic resistance: YES

NiceHash resistance: YES

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